
The UK is packed with its beautiful coastal scenery and a wide variety of aqua locations, perfect for water sports. So, if you’re deeply in need of a holiday but don’t want to leave the country, we’ve put together a list of essentials we recommend taking with you on your next staycation.

Wetsuits or Dry Suits

It may come as no surprise that Britain’s weather can be pretty unpredictable with a few showers here and there (to put it kindly), so remembering your wetsuit could make or break your trip.

Finisterre is known for its great wetsuits and also its mission for sustainability, which they go on to talk about, here.

The Wetsuit Outlet also does an extensive range of both wetsuits and dry suits that also follow an eco-friendly initiative.

If you’re yet to understand the difference between wetsuits and dry suits, we have explained this in our recent blog a little while back.

Getting that SPF!

The weather is finally starting to pick up and summer is desperately trying to make an appearance, so remember your sun cream!

Whilst a wetsuit will cover 80-90% of your body, it’s still best to play it cautious and protect your face and any other skin that is on show for obvious reasons.

Life Jacket

Novice, intermediate, or expert, it’s extremely important to have a life jacket with you on your trip for precautionary measures.

We recommend looking out for a buoyancy aid that has a reflective strip, a whistle, and a lifting becket which can be used to help a person to safety if needed.

Wetsuit Boots

Particularly for surfing occasions, wetsuit boots not only keep your feet warm but also keep them protected from foreign objects and rocks below water.

They also provide a sturdy grip both on and off the water.

General Water Sports Equipment

For ease of packing and especially for those who don’t participate in water sports on a regular basis, many people hire kayaks, boats, surfboards and other equipment.

However, if you are an expert then you may have a lot of this equipment already that you want to bring along on your trip. If this is the case, then roof racks fitted to your equipment are an important investment unless you have a trusty campervan.

Rash Vests

Now, this is mainly going to come in handy if you’re trying out a selection of water sports for the first time or just want general protection from the sun.

Most wetsuit shops and providers will also supply a great range of rash vests to choose from, but if you’re stuck on where to get one, places like Amazon, Wetsuit Outlet, Surfdome, and more have a great selection at a range of prices.

Dry Bags

Some will say we’re biased but a dry bag will be your holy grail, especially if you’re moving from place to place on your staycation.

They will keep all your stuff dry and in one place and even come with a FREE waterproof phone case so you can capture the memories from your holiday, wherever you are.

Choose your size and colour and you’re ready to go!

What you choose to take with you on your venture is probably going to be very different to the next person and will very much depend on your experience and favoured water activities, but this guide covers the general and recommended equipment.

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